Promote your solution, product, or service to the target audience.

The explanation of how your product or service addresses the identified problems should be provided in detail. Make use of simple, short, and non-technical language to enable easier understanding to the participants. They should also emphasize on major attributes and advantages that directly respond to their requirements.

Demonstrate its Works: Show how your solution has already assisted others by giving real life examples, case studies, testimonials and statistics. The video demonstrations or presentation trials can serve as a good way to show how practical benefits can be derived from your offer.

Customize Your Promotional Messages: Various segments of your target population may require you to customize the promotion message. In terms of message relevance and appeal enhancement personalization has huge potential for making it resonate better with future customers.

Trust and Credibility: This means being sincere about what your product or service is capable or incapable of doing; providing guarantees, free samples or offering money back as well as; having great customer service support which enhances credibility.


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