Identify a problem that people are struggling with.

Finding problems that people are suffering from needs you to be focused. By paying attention, you will be able to spot real issues that need a solution.
Here’s how you can do it:

1-Listen carefully: Talk with people around you and check out what they’re saying on social media regarding everyday life difficulties. Notice what they are complaining about or what bothers them the most.
2-Check Trends: news articles to see what common problems keep repeating.
3-Watch Behavior: Sometimes people won’t tell you their problems, but their actions show the issue.
4-Ask Questions: have a deeper understanding of the issue, to be able to form a suitable solution.
5-Grasp: put yourself in their shoes. Understanding their feelings can give you deeper insights and help you think of suitable solutions.

After picking a solvable problem, focus on helping people with it. Here’s how:

1- Create Solutions: Think how you can sort out the problem through a new product or service.
2-Test and Improve: Make a prototype or a trial version and test it yourself and with the family. Gather notices and tweak it to make it better.
3-Add Value: Make sure your solution really helps people. When they see you’re really trying to help, and your solution is indeed a practical one, they are more likely to buy the product or service.
4-Build loyal clients: Engage with your customers regularly. Show appreciation and do pay attention to their feedback.
5-Now, start making money: Once you have got a solid solution, think of reasonable ways to make money from it. This could be through sales, subscriptions, ads.

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